Not a Member yet?

Posted on Oct 11, 2011

Incorporation and operation cost of the society have been funded for two years by a generous donation from Colette Gouin, a former board member. There is currently no cost to membership in the society. There will be a proposal brought to the 2012 annual meeting of the society in August, to set an annual membership to cover administrative costs of the society. Our objective is to provide good service at a reasonable cost to our members.

We strongly urge all Christina Lake waterfront property owners to join

If you need a reason for becoming a member click here.

To apply for membership down load an application form and send the completed form to.

Mike Fairweather
3489 East Lake Drive
Christina Lake BC V0H 1E1 (Phone 250 447 9597)
You can also email the completed form (in PDF format) to Mike Fairweather.
Alternatively, you can fax the completed form to 250.442 5825 (att. Jim Burch)

Please do not hesitate to contact Mike Fairweather if you require further information.