Voting Rights

The following information was received from Ms. Grace McGregor, Director, Area C (Christina Lake), Regional District of Kootenay Boundary

Mail Balloting Hot off the Press!

As of late July, Absentee Voting, unfortunately for BC residents only, has been approved by the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary. it is the understanding of the Society, that current British Columbia legislation does not permit absentee voting for property owners who are normally domiciled outside of British Columbia, e.g. Alberta and the USA.

It should be clear to all members of the society that voting on issues affecting membership issues in the Society will be offered through the website and via our e-mail list on an absentee basis. This arrangement is not yet in place and so was not offered ahead of the 2012 Annual General Meeting at which a motion to set an annual dues per member of $20.00 was proposed, seconded and approved.

Public Consultation

There has been a great deal of concern raised as to the timing of the consultation that we do for various issues that may impact on the residents and property owners of Christina Lake. Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that we are ever going to arrive at a method that is going to give everybody an opportunity to appear at a meeting. If we hold the meeting in May, summer residents are upset. If we have a session in the summer it can be difficult to get the required consultants or staff to attend as they are planning their summer holidays. We try our best to use a variety of communication methods but none are going to be perfect. The papers, the internet, Facebook, the Christina Lake Stewardship Society are all ways that we utilize and will continue to do so. It should be noted that in election years referendums will generally be held in conjunction with the local elections. This is down to defray costs and to limit the impact on any new service created.