
Christina Lake Waterfront Property Owners Society

There are over 600 parcels of land, some of which are crown land, on the waterfront of Christina Lake. The waterfront owners pay approximately 80% of all property taxes collected in Area C. Many of the waterfront owners are only part-time residents of Christina Lake and for various reasons have limited input and access to information on property issues and issues surrounding the waterfront. Most waterfront owners therefore are unaware of new developments which affect their properties or laws which are enacted without their knowledge or input. Actions taken in the owners’ absence may affect their riparian rights, their quality of vacationing life and their property values.

In addition to the substantial property taxes collected from waterfront properties of Christina Lake, the Government of British Columbia owns and receives revenue from land leases and park fees, however there is not a representative return of funding to the area to deal with critical issues such as milfoil control.

Our Association will aim to:

  1. Be a strong and united voice to ensure that our rights be preserved and respected when dealing with government at all levels.
  2. Work constructively with government and other local groups to represent our views.
  3. Communicate interactively with members about important and upcoming issues relevant to waterfront owners.
  4. Provide timely discussions and the ability for all members to voice opinions on topics of interest in order to develop unified positions on issues.