Minutes of the Christina Lake Waterfront Property Owners Society Annual General Meeting held August 18, 2013 , held at the Christina Lake Community Hall, 90 Park Road, Christina Lake BC
1. The chair, Mike Fairweather, called the meeting to order at 1 p.m. Approximately 40 members in attendance; Mike declared a quorum.
2. Theresa welcomed the members and introduced the CLWPOS Board of Directors:
Mike Fairweather – Chair
Theresa Dergousoff- Secretary/Treasurer
David Merry – Vice chair
Doug Thorpe – board member (not present)
Lorne McGillivray – board member
Neil Muth – board member
Bob Freeman – board member (not present)
3. Motion/Seconded/Carried – to adopt the agenda as circulated. Norm Gabana
requested that the topic “lake view logging” be added under “New Business”
4. The minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting were circulated. Tanis Stephenson
noted that item 5(c) should read that the dues are ongoing. The motion should read (amended part in bold):
Motion/Seconded/Carried – to adopt the 2012/2013 budget as proposed, and to assess each member $20 in ongoing dues in order to cover the expenses
Motion/Seconded/Carried to adopt minutes of 2012 Annual General Meeting as
5. Business Meeting
a. Chairman’s Report
Mike gave a brief report on the workings of the CLWPOS board over the past year; the main issues the board faced were (1) the milfoil issue and biological control, and (2) the removal of garbage receptacles by the RDKB at the unmanned site near the marina. He advised that the board has written letters to local, provincial and national levels of government expressing concerns on behalf of its members on the milfoil issue. He also discussed each of the fourteen issues identified by the members as priority issues at the 2012 CLWPOS AGM.
b. Treasurer’s Report
Theresa gave a brief financial summary, there is approximately $ 1,500 in the bank account as of the meeting date. The financial summary is as follows:
Treasurer’s Report 2013
Opening Balance …………………………………………………………………………$ 714.45
Deposit – Dues $ 1,136.65
Cheque 104 – Webnames Inc $ 66.86
Cheque 105 – SharkWebbite Inc
Web Design assistance $ 144.20
Christina Lake News – AGM notice $ 84.00
Service charges, net of interest earned $ 1.75 (296.81)
Current Balance – July 31, 2013 ……………………………………………….. . $ 1,554.29
Motion/Seconded/Carried – to accept the financial report as presented
c. Adoption of 2013/2014 Budget
Theresa presented the upcoming year’s proposed budget
Proposed budget 2013-2014
Website maintenance ……………… $1,000.00
Office expenses (mailing/advertising) .. 500.00
Total …………………………… ……. $ 1,500.00
Motion/Seconded/Carried – to adopt the 2013/2014 budget as proposed, and to assess each member $20 in ongoing dues in order to cover the society’s expenses
6. Introduction of Guests
a. Ken Gresley-Jones – Area “C” Fire Chief – Ken gave a brief
update on fire protection in the area. He noted that while
the boat access property owners do not pay for fire protection in
their property taxes, there is a section in the by-laws which will
allow the CL Fire Department to go outside their defined
boundary if a fire threatens the Area “C” jurisdiction. He also
mentioned that the CL Fire Department has the equipment it needs
(pumps, access to patio boats) to fight fires in the boat access area
b. Greetings from Sue Veregin – Christina Lake Boat Access Society; Sue
mentioned that at the 2013 Boat Access Society AGM, it was voted to provide the CLWPOS with the email addresses of the Boat Access Society’s members.
c. Greetings from Grace McGregor – Area C Representative
– Grace gave a brief update on behalf of the Regional district; she stated that a new bylaw officer has been hired who will enforce
bylaws. She spoke on the garbage issue, and noted that if there are problems to please advise the RDKB. She also mentioned that the RCMP boat was doing a tremendous job enforcing boating safety on the lake, and that if there were any complaints on unauthorized boat parking in public accesses, to contact the RCMP. Rick Young suggested that the CLWPOS board write a letter of thanks to “Office Chris” of the RCMP on behalf of the members.
7. New business
a. BC Parks has advised that it will enforce a 14-day maximum
parking restriction next year. This is of great concern to the boat
access owners, over the winter months the CLWPOS board will
discuss this concern
b. Norm Gabana noted that there was an agreement written over 40
years ago that logging would not occur within sightlines of the lake
Mike and Grace will communicate with the Minister of Forest’s
office on this issue
c. Mike did a presentation on the zebra quagga mussel invasive
species, more can be seen at www.protectyourwaters.net
8. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes of the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Society are posted under Current Issues for your information. Thanks.
Milfoil Update
I call your attention to the Shuswap Waterfront Property Owners’ Society web site reference to an interest in biological options for milfoil control. At present, mechanical harvesting during the fall, low growth season is the major control method employed. Perhaps there is hope for a biological control study at Christina lake in the not too distant future. We understand with thanks that this option continues to be actively supported by the RDKB.