The 2013 Annual General Meeting of the Christina Lake Waterfront Property Owners’ Society will be held on Sunday August 18, 2013 at the Christina Lake Community Centre at 1 pm. The meeting will include an opportunity to discuss issues of importance to members including the issues listed below.
Hot issues include:
the status of the milfoil weevil biological control study;
Garbage and recycling
Parking for both water access property owners and lake day users
Zebra and Quagga mussel information program by the stewardship society
Old wharf disposal program by the stewardship society.
Area C Director, Ms. Grace McGregor, provided an update on the project list presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Society at a board meeting held August 23rd. The following summary is taken from this update together with current (July 2013) status where appropriate.
Milfoil – samples of weevils in all stages of development (larvae, pupae and insect) have been collectat ed from a number of sites and are presently undergoing DNA testing to confirm that they are the specie with the voracious appetite for Eurasian Water Milfoil! The presence of the milfoil weevil at Christina Lake was confirmed at the end of 2012, but the planned limited weevil test seems to have stalled, in part due to the recent provincial election.
The Stewardship Society has developed cruising guidelines related to foreshore erosion by large wakes. These guidelines have been provided to a number of recreational boat operators. A fine mechanism for offenders is in place. This is consistent with the Canadian Coast Guard Recreational Vessel Operator Competency program.
Waterfront property owners are reminded that the Stewardship Society has dye test kits available at no charge to affirm the correct operation of septic tanks. The Society recognizes that bringing a non-compliant septic system up to code can be a significant cost. All lake users have a vested interest in maintaining the existing high quality of the lake water.
The Regional District Area C is working hard to encourage low impact business to locate at Christina Lake, to take advantage of the recreational opportunities available for staff. Every community across Canada is targeting the same business growth market. The point of course is to reduce homeowner tax loads whilst maintaining services.
Non-resident Regional District Area C voting for Christina Lake property owners whose primary residence is located in British Columbia is now in effect.
Operators of large boats equipped with marine toilets with holding tanks are reminded that the Christina Lake village offers a for-fee pump out service. It is a federal offence to discharge black water into Christina Lake. It is also an offence as of 2010 to discharge grey water (sink and shower water) into inland waters. Boats equipped with showers and galleys (marine kitchens) are required to have holding tanks for grey water if operated on interior lakes.
Information concerning roof sprinkler systems for fire protection is available through the Regional District web site.
Area C of the Regional District has a lighted speed sign that drivers may have seen in the village along Highway 3. It is intended to operate this sign along both East and West Lake Drives. Expect to see it. Over the peak summer period, both these limited access roads are frequently highly congested.
Vehicle and boat trailer parking at the public boat launches is outside Regional District jurisdiction. It is primarily a cost issue. This has clearly become an important issue here at the lake.