CLWPOS 2017 AGM Draft Minutes

Posted on Jul 21, 2018

Minutes of the Christina Lake Waterfront Property Owners Society Annual General Meeting held  Sunday August 7, 2017,  at the Christina Lake Community Hall, 90 Park Road, Christina Lake BC

 The chair, Mike Fairweather, called the meeting to order at 1 p.m. Approximately 40 members were in attendance; The chair declared a quorum to be present.

 Motion/Seconded/Carried – to adopt the agenda as circulated. 

 The chair introduced Martin Christman, the new Christina Lake Fire Department chief, replacing Ken Gresley-Jones after many years of service to the community and building the facilities and capabilities of the present crew.

    Motion/Seconded/Carried to adopt the minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting as circulated


Business meeting:

  1. Treasurer’s Report
    • Katie Dergousoff (in Tres Dergousoff’s absence) presented the financial statement for 2016-2017 to the meeting.
  Dues 760.00  
  Interest income 1.36  
  Christina Lake Stewardship Society 1,000.00  
  Eggbeater Creative 315.00  
  Advertisement- CL News 84.00  
  Alpine Signs 18.00  
  Service charges 3.00  
Net loss for year   -658.64
Cash, June 30, 2016   3,505.64
Cash June 30, 2017    $   2,847.00


  • he financial report shows a loss of just under $660 for the year.
  • The meeting questioned why a $1000.00 contribution was made to the Christina Lake Stewardship Society. This expenditure was approved at the 2016 AGM. The society deficit resulted from membership fees being inadequate to cover expendtures.  The board will contact members of our e-mail list to restore a positive budget.

.Motion/Seconded/Carried that the financial report as submitted be approved

  • The proposed budged for 2017-2018 was presented;

 Proposed 2017-18 budget


                   Directors’ Liability Insurance – $500

                   Website Maintenance                  500

                   Office expenses                             200


                   Total                                            $1200  


  • The proposed budget includes provision for directors’ liability insurance. The board recommends that this policy shall be for $1 million with a $2500 deductable at a cost of approximately $500.  Accordingly the society shall retain a current balance of at least $2500.00.  The board further recommends that a contribution to the Christina Lake Stewardship Society for mussel education be deferred until funds permit.
  • The meeting requested discussion of raising annual dues to cover the deficit. It was agreed that this question be deferred to the 2018 Annual General Meeting
  • Motion/Seconded/Carried that the proposed budget for 2017-2018 for the society as presented at the meeting be approved.
  • Motion/Seconded/Carried – that the CLWPOS authorize the Grand Forks Credit Union to give online “viewing privileges” to the signing officers of the CLWPOS
  • Motion/Seconded/Carried – that the signing officers of the society be any two of the president, the vice president and the secretary/treasurer.


  1. Chairman’s Report

A copy of the chairman’s report has been posted to the website under news.


The following issues were discussed at the meeting during the chairman’s report.

 Wastewater treatment –following discussion a motion was proposed, seconded and carried –

‘That the RDKB be petitioned to send a letter to Christina Lake residents to determine their current interest in updating the 1991 wastewater treatment conceptual engineering system costs for Christina Lake.’  This motion was passed with some members present against and some members abstaining.

 Policing – what can we do to maintain the current program in place? Continue to write letters to the Grand Forks Detachment of the RCMP in support of the current program.

 Buoys – the legislation in place re buoy placement was reviewed.  A file providing private buoy regulation information is available on application to the board.

 Docks – key points of existing legislation with respect to setbacks from lot lines was reviewed.   The website with current information is the following –

 Zebra/Quagga mussels – copies of a letters to our MP and MLA requesting extension existing program funding to provide more complete inspection/treatment coverage over the recreational boating season were circulated for signatures by members present and will be forwarded prior to month end.  If you would like a copy of either of these letters, please let the board know know and we will send you a copy to sign and forward to either Mr. Cannings or Ms Larson

 A request was made for speed limit signs, especially along East Lake Drive during the summer months – parking issues have deteriorated with parked trailers and motor homes extending into pavement allowances and with larger motor homes and recreational boats using the roadway, the danger to other road users is exacerbated.  This is a Highways issue.

 Improved access to the lake from public right of ways was discussed – the lake frontages provided by these right of ways should be used for swimming and not for parking small boats by water-access property owners, as is common at present.  This also is a Highways issue.

       New Business – None

 The chair thanked all those members present for giving up a portion of their weekend to attend this meeting and especially thanked those board members present for their support.

 Motion/seconded/carried that the 2018 AGM of the Society be held on either the Wednesday or the Thursday prior to the long weekend in August commending at 7 pm.

        Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.