Chairman’s Report 2017 Annual General Meeting

Posted on Jul 19, 2018

Christina Lake Waterfront Property Owners; Society – 2017 Annual General Meeting – Chairman’s Report

 The RDKB hosted a FireSmart meeting at Christina Lake in early August.  Property owners were encouraged to use the FireSmart manual to evaluate the wildfire risk to their properties and reduce risk where practicable.  I will speak further to this later in meeting.

Your directors enjoyed a cruise on Tintanic in late August to solicit additional memberships from boat access property owners.  The cost of the cruise was not charged back to the society.

Your chairman met with staff from Eggbeater Creative in Vancouver to address security concerns with our website.  These concerns have been addressed.  Eggbeater is the company that originally developed our website.

Annie Rioux, one of our directors, has developed a Facebook page for the society.  Via e-mail we asked the membership if we should just use our Facebook page rather than the website for communication with our members.  I received responses from 3 members that we should simply use Facebook, which is free.  Currently we are maintaining both Facebook and the website.  I will speak further about our Facebook site (Facebook/christinalakewpos) later in the meeting.

I, together with local directors, Bob Freeman and Annie Rioux, attended the 2016 annual lake water quality review meeting held in early December hosted by the Chrisitina Lake Stewardship Society.  Key take-a ways were:

            Lake quality remains high and consistent

            The lake remains mussel free

            A new purpose-built milfoil control dive boat will be acquired for 2017

Waste water treatment was discussed by Donna Dean from RDKB. Even with financial support from senior levels of government, it remains expensive.

Copies of two consulting engineering reports on wastewater treatment at Christina Lake prepared for the RDKB were obtained (Kerr Wood Leidel Associates Ltd- 1991 and Golder Associates – 1995).  Electronic copies of these reports were prepared and provided to CLWPOS board members and are available to interested members upon request.

I attended a workshop in early 2017 on Insurance for Non-Profit Societies hosted by Grand Forks Community Futures.  The take away is that it would be prudent to have directors’ liability insurance in place for the society.  The proposed 2017-18 budget allows for this expenditure.

Directors David Merry and Annie Rioux attended the 2017 annual meeting of the Lake Stewardship Society in March 2017.  This meeting provided no surprises.  Of note is that limited funding is available to study treatment options for aqueous plants other than Eurasian water milfoil both invasive and non-invasive adversely affecting recreational water activities especially at the south end of the lake.

Other concerns will be addressed later in the meeting under ‘projects’ including new requests to contact our federal and provincial representatives regarding invasive mussel mitigation programs.

We would like representation on our board from a society member towards the north end of West Lake Drive to ensure concerns of those members are addressed.

In late July, I met with key members of the RDKB to discuss our project list and other concerns.  The information from that meeting provides the focus of the verbal report to be presented at this meeting.

I would also like a sense of the best time (date and time of day) to hold future AGM’s of your society.

In closing I would like to thank my fellow directors, Tres Dergousoff, Bob Freeman, Marv Jeffries, David Merry, Arlene Peniuk and Annie Rioux and Doug Sandner for their time and support over the past year.

Mike Fairweather, Chair, CLWPOS

August 2, 2017