2015 Annual General Meeting

Posted on Oct 14, 2015

Minutes of the Christina Lake Waterfront Property Owners Society Annual General Meeting held  Sunday August 16, 2015 ,  at the Christina Lake Community Hall, 90 Park Road, Christina Lake BC


  1. The chair, Mike Fairweather, called the meeting to order at 1 p.m. Approximately 80 members in attendance; Mike declared a quorum.
  2. Motion/Seconded/Carried – to adopt the agenda as circulated.


3.  Theresa welcomed the members to the fourth annual general meeting of the society, and  introduced the CLWPOS Board of Directors:

       Mike Fairweather – Chair
       David Merry – Vice chair
       Theresa Dergousoff- Secretary/Treasurer
       Doug Sandner – board member
       Lorne McGillivray – board member
       Marvin Jeffery – board member
       Bob Freeman – board member
       Howie McMeekin– board member (not present)


4.    Motion/Seconded/Carried to adopt the minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting


5.    Business meeting:

1.  Chairman’s Report

Mike gave a brief report on the workings of the CLWPOS board over the past year; the continuing issues the board faced were (1)  the milfoil issue and biological control,  (2) Parking issue at Texas Point (3) the Zebra Quagga mussels.  The new issue the board faced was the Christina Lake Compliance Project (Docks and Foreshore encroachment) He advised that the board has contacted local, provincial and national levels of government expressing concerns on behalf of its members on these issues.  During the year there were seven emails to the membership on these issues.  The board also held two boat cruises to the North West end of the lake soliciting members during July with 8 new membership sign-ups.  He thanked retiring board member Howie McMeekin for his excellent service to the CLWPOS.


      2. Treasurer’s Report

Theresa presented the report. There is approximately $2,600 in the bank account as of the meeting date.  The financial summary is as follows:

Christina Lake Waterfront Property Owners’ Society
Financial Report – August 2015
Opening Balance $2,109.79
Cheques/ Debits
Society annual fees $(    65.00)
Web name registration $(    66.87)
C.L.S.S.-video $(  250.00)
Bank Service charge $(      1.50)
Deposits/ Credits
Bank Interest $       1.25
Memberships $   930.00
Current Balance $2,658.67

      Motion/Seconded/Carried – to accept the financial report as presented

      3. Adoption of 2015/2016 Budget

Theresa presented the upcoming year’s proposed budget

Proposed budget 2015-2016

Website maintenance ………………     $   500.00
Office expenses (mailing/advertising) ..      500.00

Total …………………………… ……. $ 1,000.00

     Motion/Seconded/Carried – to adopt the 2015/2016 budget as proposed, and to assess each member $20 in ongoing dues in order to cover the society’s expenses


6.         Introduction of Guests

a.    Guest – R/Cst Chris Cottrill
Constable Cottrill gave an update on the law enforcement for the summer of 2015.  He works an 8 week season annually, this year to date he has done over 300 boat checks, and issued many warnings for infractions.  He noted that if waterfront owners have concerns, to call the non-emergency RCMP line at 250.442.8288.  The group thanked Constable Chris for his efforts, he has certainly made a difference to the area. 

b.    Guest – Cavan Gates – Christina Lake Gateway Development Association
Cavan did an overview of this group’s activities (he presented at the 2014 AGM as well) , more information can be found at: http://www.christinalakegateway.ca .  They are updating the business directory, promoting the trails, and working on the new CL Venture Capital Corporation, all with the hopes of stimulating the local economy and supporting year-round living at the lake. 


7.   New business

                  a.         The group discussed the serious threat of the zebra quagga mussel.

The board has drafted a letter to MLA Linda Larson, and encourages the membership to sign, the letter states that the introduction of this invasive  species would be catastrophic to the lake, and suggests a self-funded mandatory annual inspection be set up

                 b.         A long discussion took place regarding dock registration.  The board will seek more information in the coming year and will keep the membership posted. Mike suggested that members consider having public liability insurance on their docks of $2 million

  1.       The Boat Access Society is asking for donations for the Texas Point parking improvements.
    More information can be obtained from Sue Verigin, co-chair
    of the Boat Access Society at sue.verigin@gmail.com
  2.       Mike asked for an expression of interest for a member to work with the
    CL Stewardship Society on the milfoil issue (note after the meeting, Ted Dergousoff put his name forward)
  3.       Fire safety is a very topical issue this year, as we have had a very arid summer.
    Munro Pickering can advise waterfront residents of how to keep their homes safe, his email address is:  munpick@gmail.com
  4.       A member asked if the board would contact Stephanie Gillis for a highway sign  for truckers using engine braking at the bottom ot the Paulson summit hill.
    With reduced boat activity on the lake, the noise carries to affect waterfront property owners living to the east of Chrisitna Lake village limits
  5.       Motion/Seconded/Carried – to hold the CLWPOS AGM on the second Sunday, in August (note for 2016 that will be August 14, 2016

                  h.         Mike did a call for nominations for new board members, there are three seats presently vacant.  The following members have agreed to put their names forward to be on the board:

                              Stephen Acres – East Lake Drive
                              Arlene Peniuk – Sandner Road
                              Annie Rioux – Sandner Road

                              There were no further nominations; the three were acclaimed to the board


8.    Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.