2014 Annual General Meeting – Minutes

Posted on Oct 14, 2015

Minutes of the Christina Lake Waterfront Property Owners Society Annual General Meeting held  Sunday August 10, 2014 ,  at the Christina Lake Community Hall, 90 Park Road, Christina Lake BC


1.   The chair, Mike Fairweather, called the meeting to order at 2 p.m. Approximately 40 members in attendance; Mike declared a quorum.


2.  Theresa welcomed the members to the fourth annual general meeting of the society, and introduced the      

      CLWPOS Board of Directors:
      Mike Fairweather – Chair
      Theresa Dergousoff- Secretary/Treasurer
      David Merry – Vice chair
      Doug Thorpe – board member
      Lorne McGillivray – board member
      Neil Muth – board member (not present)
      Bob Freeman – board member (not present)
      Jill Talarico – board member (not present)


3.    Motion/Seconded/Carried – to adopt the agenda as circulated. 


4.    The minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting were circulated.  It was noted that there was a typographical error under 5(c)- 2013-2014 budget – the math is incorrect in the minutes.   The   proposed budget should read as follows:

 Proposed budget 2013-2014

 Website maintenance ………………     $1,000.00
Office expenses (mailing/advertising) ..      500.00

 Total …………………………… ……. $ 1,500.00

        Motion/Seconded/Carried to adopt the minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting as amended


5.    Business meeting:

1.  Chairman’s Report

Mike gave a brief report on the workings of the CLWPOS board over the past year; the main issues the board faced were (1)  the milfoil issue and biological control,  (2) the removal of garbage receptacles by the RDKB at the unmanned site near the marina (3) the parking restrictions for boat access owners and (4) the Zebra Quagga mussels. He advised that the board has contacted local, provincial and national levels of government expressing concerns on behalf of its members on these issues.  He also discussed each of the fourteen issues identified by the members as priority issues at the 2012 CLWPOS AGM.  He reminded members to check the website  periodically, www.ChristinaLakeWPOS.com for updates.   He thanked retiring board members Doug Thorpe, Jill Talarico, and Neil Muth for their excellent service to the CLWPOS. 

         2.  Treasurer’s Report

There is approximately $ 1,500 in the bank account as of the meeting date.  The financial summary is as follows:

 Treasurer’s Report 2014

 Opening Balance …………………………………………………………………………$  1,554.29
Deposit – Dues                                                                                               $      620.00 

  Cheque 107 – Minister of Finance-annual report                                        ($      65.00)
Interest earned, net of service charges                                                          $         0.50      
  Current Balance – July 31, 2014 ………………………………………………..        . $   2,109.79 

                       Tanis Stephenson noted that not all members have been paying their dues.  It was agreed 
                      that the board will take a more proactive approach and encourage all members to pay
                      their dues.  Mike will include information on the dues and how members can pay in
                       the next e-blast.

     Motion/Seconded/Carried – to accept the financial report as presented

Adoption of 2014/2015 Budget

Mike presented the upcoming year’s proposed budget


Proposed budget 2014-2015
Website maintenance ………………     $1,000.00
Office expenses (mailing/advertising) ..      500.00
Total …………………………… ……. $ 1,500.00

      Motion/Seconded/Carried – to adopt the 2014/2015 budget as proposed, and to assess each member $20 in ongoing dues in order to cover the society’s expenses


6.         Introduction of Guests

  a.    Guest – Grace MacGregor – Area “C” Director
Grace addressed the parking issue for boat access owners.   The Province of BC sold the property at the Texas Creek boat launch where people used to park their boat trailers to BC Parks.  Grace stated that BC Parks will work with the Regional District to find some property for the boat access owners to park their vehicles/boat trailers while accessing their properties.  The RDKB may possibly provide some grant-in-aid for this.  On the issue of noisy boats, this is a provincial jurisdiction, policing has made the lake a lot safer.  On the issue of registration of docks, Grace stated that the RDKB is NOT taking on registration of docks at this time.  Grace encouraged members to write a letter to the Provincial Government if they are concerned about erosion.   A Marine Plan is in the final stages and will be released shortly.  Grace stated that there will be no public boat launch on Christina Creek.


b.    Guest – Cavan Gates – Christina Lake Gateway Development Association
Cavan did an overview of this new group,  more information can be found at: www.ChristinaLake.comThey are updating the business directory, promoting the trails, and working on the new CL Venture Capital Corporation, all with the hopes of stimulating the local economy and supporting year-round living at the lake. 


7.   New business

                  a.         The group discussed the serious threat of the zebra quagga mussel.
                              Rick Young suggested that a cleaning/inspection station could be set up at the
                              new boat access parking facility.  Norm Gabana suggested that a letter be written
                              on behalf of the membership to governments of all levels
                              Motion/Seconded/Carried – that the CLWPOS board write a letter on behalf
                              of its members to all three levels of government (regional/provincial/federal)
                              to express our concern of the threat of zebra mussels and recommend funding be
                              found to provide a boat inspection and cleaning facility to mitigate the
                              introduction of mussels into Christina Lake    

                  b.         A concern was raised that people are parking on West Lake Drive and impeding
                              the road; the board will ask the RCMP to monitor parking along roadways more

                  c.         Mike did a call for nominations for new board members, there are four seats
                              presently vacant.  The following members have agreed to put their names
                              forward to be on the board:
                              Howard McMeekin – East Lake Drive
                              Marvin Jeffery – Sandner Road
                              Doug Sandner – Sandner Road/ Boat Access

                              There were no further nominations; the three were acclaimed to the board


8.    The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.